Advance Solid Mechanics (ECV5202) – 2016
Second Semester 2015-2016
For PhD Students of Structural Engineering &
Master Students of Structural and Construction Engineering
During this subject, the advanced concepts of solid mechanics will deliver.
1. Ward, J.P. (2013). Solid Mechanics: An Introduction. UK: Springer
2. Ibrahimbegovic, A. (2009), Nonlinear Solid Mechanics: Theoretical Formulations and Finite Element Solution Methods. France: Springer
3. Riley, W.F. (2006). Mechanics of Materials (6th Edition). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
4. Stephen P., Timoshenko, J.N. and Goodier. (2005). Theory of Elasticity. New York: McGraw-Hill.
5. Gere, J.M., Timoshenko, S.P. and Ismail, A. (2003). Mechanics of Material, Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.
6. Megson, T.H.G. (2005). Structural and Stress Analysis, London: Butterworth-Heinemann.
7. Valliappan, S. (1985). “Continuum Mechanics Fundamental”.
List of Students
No | Name |
1 | Mohd Rizam bin Zulkifli |
2 | Imad Shakir Abbood |
3 | Ghadanfar Elmamoun Ibrahiem |
4 | Mahmood Yahya Alkhateeb |
5 | Yusuf Yaqoob Yusuf Hasan Abdulla |
6 | Ahmed Abdulrahman Ahmed AlSharafi |
7 | Abdulwali Yahia Yahia Al-Wazir |
8 | Abdulkarem Ahmed Abdulqader Sharaf Addin |
9 | Yong Pei Yin |
10 | Lingeswaran a/l Vengu |
11 | Shoban a/l Gunasekaran |
12 | Wasim Abdulhakim Saleh |
13 | Mohamed Elhibir Mohamed Omran |
14 | Noaman Mohammed Ridha Noaman |
15 | Hashim Ali Hashim |
16 | Mohammed Imad Shamsulddin |
17 | Mohammed Nasser Ali Alharbi |
18 | Ahmed Ali Ahmed Saleh |
19 | Altraifi ,Tariq Homoud A |
20 | Mohd Eizzuddin bin Mahyeddin |
21 | Ashref Abdala M.A Al Azreq |
22 | Ooi Yew Kun |
23 | Fadi Hassan Mohammed Al-Khatib |
24 | Sri Maryazie binti Mohamad Nor |
25 | Ong Kah Siong |
26 | Waleed Mohamd Saed Al-Hilali |
27 | Wong Chien Chan |
28 | Nurul Anis Aniza binti Mohd Zamri |
29 | Derhem Taher Ahmed Al Salahi |
30 | Dhurgham Adnan Kadhim |
31 | Muhamad Fikri bin Noor Ali |
32 | Muhammad Firdaus bin Razali |
33 | Abdikani Abshir Ahmed |
34 | Khalid Hassan Esse |
35 | Mohamed Abukar Ali |
36 | Abdulrahman Khaleel Midhin |
37 | Ahmed Abdulrahman Ftaikhan |
38 | Ahmad Nabeel Taha Al-Bayati |
39 | Syazana Hazwani binti Mohd Ghazali |
40 | Fathi Mohamed Dufani |
41 | Lee Pui Chin |
42 | Muhammad Fakhrul Radzi bin Abdul Rahman |
43 | Samir Hashim Habash Al Ameri |
44 | Abdallah Mohammed Ahmed Alshareef |
45 | Nurul Ezatty binti Ramly |
46 | Osman Abdallah Abuzaid Mohammed |
47 | Wirrwan bin Mohamed Haniff |
48 | Fathimath Afrah Solih |
49 | Safwan Subhi Mousa Albadareen |
Notice about Test 1: Test 1 will be conducted on Saturday, 16 April 2016 at 9am-11am in DP1.
Note: The lecture for Advance Solid Mechanic will not be conducted on 21/05/2016 due to public holiday (Wesak Day). The replacement class will be bu the next week after Test 2. (11am to 2pm). Please inform to your friends as well.
Teaching Assessment:
Result of Test 1
Matric No | Mark |
GS40368 | 100 |
GS43625 | 92 |
GS45368 | 91 |
GS43538 | 89 |
GS45390 | 86 |
GS43073 | 85 |
GS43036 | 84 |
GS43626 | 84 |
GS42035 | 82 |
GS45126 | 81 |
GS43043 | 79 |
GS45370 | 79 |
GS45489 | 75 |
GS40831 | 74 |
GS43610 | 74 |
GS44227 | 74 |
GS44225 | 73 |
GS41645 | 70 |
GS43055 | 70 |
GS44858 | 70 |
GS45753 | 70 |
GS44648 | 66 |
GS45376 | 66 |
GS42638 | 64 |
GS44331 | 64 |
GS45652 | 64 |
GS43500 | 63 |
GS43953 | 63 |
GS46293 | 63 |
GS45067 | 61 |
GS43667 | 57 |
GS43172 | 53 |
GS43995 | 52 |
GS38386 | 49 |
GS43670 | 49 |
GS45592 | 49 |
GS42700 | 46 |
GS46240 | 41 |
GS45749 | 39 |
GS45446 | 34 |
GS45750 | 34 |
GS43201 | 30 |
GS37977 | 23 |
GS43482 | 14 |
GS40551 | 13 |
Result of Test 2
Matric No | Marks |
GS40368 | 97 |
GS40831 | 94 |
GS45370 | 80 |
GS45753 | 78 |
GS43036 | 77 |
GS44227 | 77 |
GS45368 | 77 |
GS45126 | 75 |
GS43500 | 72 |
GS43610 | 70 |
GS44225 | 66 |
GS43626 | 65 |
GS45652 | 65 |
GS43043 | 64 |
GS43073 | 60 |
GS43953 | 60 |
GS40832 | 59 |
GS43667 | 58 |
GS46293 | 56 |
GS43055 | 55 |
GS45390 | 55 |
GS43538 | 52 |
GS45446 | 50 |
GS38386 | 48 |
GS45067 | 48 |
GS45376 | 47 |
GS42035 | 45 |
GS44648 | 45 |
GS45749 | 42 |
GS43670 | 40 |
GS45489 | 40 |
GS41645 | 37 |
GS43201 | 37 |
GS42934 | 35 |
GS42638 | 32 |
GS43995 | 30 |
GS40291 | 29 |
GS37977 | 26 |
GS45750 | 26 |
GS40551 | 25 |
GS43625 | 23 |
GS44331 | 22 |
GS44330 | 17 |
GS46240 | 13 |
GS42700 | 11 |
GS43482 | 5 |
GS45592 | 1 |
GS43172 | 0 |
Out of 100 |
Questionaries Regarding Quality of Master Program
We would appreciate if you contribute for answer few questions regarding Quality of Master Program in UPM. Kindly click on following link and fill up the form. Thank you.
The assignments which received up to 26/06/2016 are listed as follow for each group. The marks for late submission after 26/06/2016 will not considered.
Group No. | Assign1 | Assign2 | Assign3 | Assign4 | Assign5 | Assign6 | Assign7 |
1 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
2 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
3 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
4 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
5 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
6 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
7 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
8 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
9 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
10 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
11 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
12 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
13 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Final Grades
Note: The marks for final exam are highly moderated.
Matric No | Grade |
GS40368 | A |
GS40831 | A |
GS45368 | A |
GS43073 | A |
GS45753 | A |
GS45370 | A |
GS40832 | A- |
GS43610 | A- |
GS43538 | A- |
GS45126 | A- |
GS43626 | A- |
GS46293 | A- |
GS43036 | B+ |
GS44227 | B+ |
GS45652 | B+ |
GS44225 | B+ |
GS43055 | B |
GS45376 | B |
GS43500 | B |
GS45390 | B |
GS42638 | B |
GS43043 | B |
GS42035 | B- |
GS43625 | B- |
GS45446 | B- |
GS43667 | B- |
GS43172 | B- |
GS41645 | B- |
GS44331 | C+ |
GS38386 | C+ |
GS45489 | C+ |
GS44648 | C+ |
GS43670 | C+ |
GS43953 | C+ |
GS43201 | C+ |
GS45750 | C |
GS45749 | C |
GS45067 | C |
GS42700 | C |
GS43995 | C |
GS46240 | C- |
GS45592 | C- |
GS37977 | C- |
GS40551 | D |
GS42934 | D |
GS40291 | F |
GS44330 | F |
GS43482 | F |
All the best.
Re-sit Exam
The date for Re-Sit exam for Advance Solid Mechnic is 1 August 2016 at 2pm in Meeting Room in level 5, Faculty of Engineering. Please note that the Re-Sit exam is only for Final exam and it is not for Test 1 and Test 2. (Your carry mark will be remained same and no change)
The condition for Re-Sit exam is having failed mark (D or F) or semester CGPA is in prohibited condition. Please bring print of your CPGA and course marks in your portal. Best luck.
New grades after Re-Test Exam
Matric No | New Grade |
GS40291 | C- |
GS40551 | F |
GS43482 | F |
GS43670 | B |