Conference Proceedings
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Farzad Hejazi
Conference Proceedings (30 recent Conference Proceedings)
Conference Proceedings
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Farzad Hejazi
Conference Proceedings (30 recent Conference Proceedings)
Conference Proceedings
(30 recent Conference Proceedings)
Conference Proceedings (30 recent Conference Proceedings) |
1. A. Fateh, F. Hejazi, M. S. Jaafar, A. Adnan. “Vibration analysis of variable stiffness bracing system subjected to Harmonic load”. AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (RCMME). Vietnam, 9-10 October 2014 |
2. A. Fateh, F. Hejazi, A. B. Omer , M. S. Jaafar. “Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Shear wall with Embedded Viscous Damper”. First AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Natural Disaster (RCND). Indoensia, 22-23 January 2014 |
3. R.Vaghei, F. Hejazi, P. Khanzaei, H. Taheri, M. S. Jaafar, A.A. Abang Ali. “Seismic Retrofitting of IBS Wall Connections with FRP Composites”. Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS). Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia, 11-13 December 2013, |
4. Parvin Khanzaei, Farzad Hejazi, A.A.Abdulrazeg, Mohd Saleh Jaafar, Thamer Ahmed Mohammed. “Thermal Response Of RCC Dams Considering The Effect Of Reservoir Filling Schedule”. 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ROLLER COMPACTED CONCRETE (RCC) DAMS, Spain, 23 – 25 October 2012 |
5. Farzad Hejazi, A.A.Abdulrazeg, Mohd Saleh Jaafar, Waleed Abdulmalik Thanoon , Jamaloddin Noorzaei. “Earthquake Energy Dissipation System In Reinforced Concrete Framed Buildings”. 14th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, December 17-19, 2010 |
6. Farzad Hejazi, M. Dalili, Jamaloddin Noorzaei, Mohd Saleh Jaafar, Waleed Abdulmalik Thanoon and Abang Abdullah Abang Ali Ali. “Coupling Parallel Buildings By Using Supplemental Viscous Damper Device”. The International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, University of Nottingham, UK. 2010 |
7. S. Jilani, Jamaloddin Noorzaei, Abang Abdullah Abang Ali Abdullah, Farzad Hejazi, Mohd Saleh Jaafar. “Assessment of Residential RC Framed Buildings Against Earthquake “. International Advanced of Technology Congress (ATCi), PWTC, Malaysia. November 3-5, 2009 |
8. Farzad Hejazi, Jamaloddin Noorzaei, Mohd Saleh Jaafar and Abang Abdullah Abang Ali. “Application of Nonlinear damper In Reinforced Concrete Structure Control”. The Fifth International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-5), Las Vegas, NV, USA. September 21-27, 2009 |
9. Mohd Saleh Jaafar, Farzad Hejazi, Abang Abdullah Abang Ali and Jamaloddin Noorzaei. “Seismic Analysis of Interlocking Mortarless Hollow Block in Wall – Foundation – Soil System”. The Fifth International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-5), Las Vegas, NV, USA. September 21-27, 2009 |
10. Farzad Hejazi, Jamaloddin Noorzaei, Mohd Saleh Jaafar and Abang Abdullah Abang Ali. “Seismic Analysis of Interlocking Mortarless Hollow Block”. 8th international congress on advances in civil engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus. September 15-17, 2008 |
11. Farzad Hejazi, Jamaloddin Noorzaei , Mehrdad Seifi, Waleed Abdulmalik Thanoon, Abang Abdullah Abang Ali Ali, Mohd Saleh Jaafar. “Seismic Resistance of Frame Buildings Using Effective Control System”. World Housing Congress, Terengganu, Malaysia. 1-5July 2007 |
12. Mehrdad Seifi, Jamaloddin Noorzaei, Farzad Hejazi, Mohd Saleh Jaafar, Waleed Abdulmalik Thanoon. “Evaluation of Capacity Curve of Building Structures With The Proposed Optimized Bilinear One”. World Housing Congress, Terengganu, Malaysia. 1-5July 2007 |
13. Farzad Hejazi, Jamaloddin Noorzaei, Mehrdad Seifi, Mohd Saleh Jaafar, Abang Abdullah Abang Ali and Waleed Abdulmalik Thanoon. “Protection of Buildings In Vibration Excitation”. World Engineering Congress 2007, Penang, Malaysia. 5 – 9 August 2007 |
14. Mehrdad Seifi, Jamaloddin Noorzaei, Farzad Hejazi, Mohd Saleh Jaafar, Waleed Abdulmalik Thanoon. “Development of Mathematical Model to Represent The Precise Idealized Capacity Curve”. World Engineering Congress 2007, Penang, Malaysia. 5 – 9 August 2007 |
15. Farzad Hejazi, Jamaloddin Noorzaei, Abang Abdullah Abang Ali, Mohd Saleh Jaafar. “Development of a Computational Algorithm to Restrain Lateral Movement of Buildings Subjected To Strong Earthquake”. Conference on Engineering & Disaster Management, Lahore, Pakistan. 2007 |
16. Farzad Hejazi. “Fast Assessment of Structure Damage Against Earthquake”. 1st INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SEISMIC RETROFITTING, Tehran, Iran. 25 – 27 April 2006 |
17. Farzad Hejazi, Siamak Panahi. “Architectural Embellishment in Retrofitting and Rehabilitation of Structures”. 1st INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SEISMIC RETROFITTING, Tehran, Iran. 25 – 27 April 2006 |
18. Farzad Hejazi, Farhad Motahar. “Application of Artificial Neural Network in Modeling of Insurance Technical Calculations “. Conference of application new electronic methods in modeling of technical actuary calculations, Tehran, Iran. Jun 2006 |
19. Farzad Hejazi, Eysa Salajeghe. “Using Artificial Neural Networks For Fast Analyzing of Structures”. Second International Congress of Civil Engineering, Science and industry University, Tehran, Iran. May 2005 |
20. Farzad Hejazi, Ali Sinaei. “Reducing The Earthquake Effects By Means Of Active Structural Control With Neural Network “. 4th International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (IIEES), Tehran. Iran. 12-14 May 2003 |
21. Farzad Hejazi, Ali Sinaei. “The Optimization of The Active Structural Control System By Using the Neural Network”. 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran. 5-7 May 2003 |
22. Farzad Hejazi, Ali Sinaei. “Active Variable Stiffness Based Structural Ccntrol”. 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCE), Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran. 5-7 May 2003 |
23. Farzad Hejazi, Ali Sinaei. “Application Of Artificial Neural Networks in Multi Adaptive Control of Structures”. 2th Conference on fuzzy logic systems, zahedan university, zahedan Iran. 19-20 jun 2002 |
24. Farzad Hejazi, Ali Sinaei. “Correction Of The Defective SensorS In The Structural Control By Means Of The Neural Network”. 4th Conference on Intelligent System, K.N.Toosi Uni.of Tech.,Tehran, Iran. March 5-7, 2002 |