
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Farzad Hejazi Journals (30 recent journals)


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Farzad Hejazi Journals (30 recent journals)


ISI Papers

1.Hejazi, F., Farahpour, H., & Ayyash, N. (2024). Seismic performance of structure equipped with a new rubber bracing damper system. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 24(1), 1-23.
2.Abdulateef, W. S., & Hejazi, F. (2024). Adaptive Real Time Efficient Control Algorithm for Buildings Under Wind and Earthquake Forces. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 1-39.
3.Azarkerdar, A., & Hejazi, F. (2024). Development of Analytical Model for Bonding of CFRP Rod in Concrete Subjected to Cyclic Loads. Applied Sciences, 14(3), 1134.
4.Alkhateeb, M. Y., & Hejazi, F. (2024). Strengthening Reinforced Concrete Beams through Integration of CFRP Bars, Mechanical Anchorage System, and Concrete Jacketing. Materials, 17(12), 2794.
5.Pishro, A. A., Zhang, S., Hu, Q., Zhang, Z., Pishro, M. A., Zhang, L., ... & Zhao, Y. (2024, April). Advancing ultimate bond stress–slip model of UHPC structures through a novel hybrid machine learning approach. In Structures (Vol. 62, p. 106162). Elsevier.
6.Shah, S. J., Naeem, A., Hejazi, F., Mahar, W. A., & Haseeb, A. (2024). Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Concrete Mix with Lightweight Expanded Polystyrene and Steel Fibers. CivilEng, 5(1), 209-223.
7.Firoozi, A. A., Hejazi, F., & Firoozi, A. A. (2024). Advancing Wind Energy Efficiency: A Systematic Review of Aerodynamic Optimization in Wind Turbine Blade Design. Energies, 17(12), 2919.
8.Abdulateef, W. S., & Hejazi, F. (2023, September). Fuzzy logic based adaptive vibration control system for structures subjected to seismic and wind loads. In Structures (Vol. 55, pp. 1507-1531). Elsevier.
9.Hejazi, F., Azarm, R., & Firoozi, A. A. (2023). Efficiency of Flange-Bonded CFRP Sheets in Relocation of Plastic Hinge in RC Beam–Column Joints. Applied Sciences, 13(21), 11870.
10.Mandani, A. M., Hejazi, F., & Nikkhoo, A. (2023, September). Development of hybrid rubber damper-restrainer (HRDR) system for structures under sever dynamic excitation. In Structures (Vol. 55, pp. 1354-1387). Elsevier.
11.Ziaee, M., & Hejazi, F. (2023). Developed steady-state response for a new hybrid damper mounted on structures. Plos one, 18(8), e0290248.
12.Ostovar, N., & Hejazi, F. (2023). Buckling-Restrained Bracing System with Ultra-High-Performance Fiber Concrete. Applied Sciences, 13(14), 8250.
13.Dachollom, G. L., Hejazi, F., & Yusuf, B. (2023, July). Development of ultra high-performance fiber reinforced concrete barge for 5 MW wind turbine. In Structures (Vol. 53, pp. 1349-1368). Elsevier.
14.Hamzah, M. K., & Hejazi, F. (2023). Development of adjustable variable stiffness restrainer for bridge subjected to seismic excitation. Plos one, 18(6), e0286977.
15.Ayyash, A. J. N. A., & Hejazi, F. (2023). Development of hybrid performance-based optimization algorithm for structures equipped with vibration damper devices. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 23(2), 1-34.
16.Saleem, S., Hejazi, F., & Ostovar, N. (2023). Health monitoring of ultra high fiber performance reinforced concrete communication tower using machine learning algorithms. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 1-26.
17.Hamzah, M. K., Hejazi, F., & Ayyash, N. (2023). Optimization of the Multi-Level Spring Restrainer for Bridges by Hybrid Particle Swarm and Gravitational Search Algorithm. International Journal of Steel Structures, 1-13.
18.Farahpour, H., & Hejazi, F. (2023, May). Development of integrated semi-active adaptive vibration control system for bridges subjected to traffic loads. In Structures (Vol. 51, pp. 1773-1794). Elsevier.
19.Zainal, S. I. S., Hejazi, F., & Mafaileh, A. M. (2023, May). Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete slabs using macro and micro synthetic fibers. In Structures (Vol. 51, pp. 1579-1590). Elsevier.
20.Farahpour, H., & Hejazi, F. (2023, January). Development of adjustable fluid damper device for the bridges subjected to traffic loads. In Structures (Vol. 47, pp. 1295-1322). Elsevier. (ISI, Impact Factor=4.01)
21.Altalabani, D., & Hejazi, F. (2023). Development of Rectangular Vibration Isolators with Double Core Systems for Structures. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 1-25. (ISI, Impact Factor=2.184)
22.Zainal, S. M., Mattius, D., Baba, Z., Rizalman, A. N., & Hejazi, F. (2023). Improving the Performance of Lightweight Crumb Rubber Mortar Using Synthetic, Natural, and Hybrid Fiber Reinforcements. Fibers, 11(1), 9. (ISI, Impact Factor= 0.53)
23.Fayyadh, N. K., Hejazi, F., & Chong, T. (2022). Development of floating rubber-concrete isolation slab system for 3D vibrations. Journal of Building Engineering, 104246. (ISI, Impact Factor=5.318)
24.Ziaee, M., & Hejazi, F. (2023, January). Development of Non-sticking Steady-State solution for structures with hybrid damping mechanism. In Structures (Vol. 47, pp. 233-245). Elsevier. (ISI, Impact Factor=4.01)
25.Alkhateeb, M. Y., & Hejazi, F. (2022, December). Reinforced concrete beams externally strengthened by CFRP rods with steel plate, anchorage bolts, and concrete jacketing. In Structures (Vol. 46, pp. 1994-2013). Elsevier. (ISI, Impact Factor=4.01)
26.Fayyadh, N. K., Hejazi, F. (2023). Hybrid rubber-concrete isolation slab system with various shape factors for structures subjected to horizontal and vertical vibrations. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 2022, e1995 (ISI, Impact Factor=2.76)
27.Ayyash, N., & Hejazi, F. (2022). Development of hybrid optimization algorithm for structures furnished with seismic damper devices using the particle swarm optimization method and gravitational search algorithm. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 21(2), 455-474.
28.Mohsenian, V., Nikkhoo, A., Hajirasouliha, I., & Hejazi, F. (2022). A low computational cost seismic analyses framework for 3D tunnel-form building structures. Advances in Structural Engineering, 25(14), 2938-2952.
29.Hafezolghorani, M., Hejazi, F., Jaffar, M. S., & Adeli, H. (2022, April). Plasticity model for partially prestressed concrete. In Structures (Vol. 38, pp. 630-651). Elsevier. (ISI, Impact Factor=4.01)
30.Tan, K. C., Hejazi, F., Esfahani, H. M., & Chong, T. (2022, March). Development of Elastomeric Rubber Bearing Utilizing Core-and-Filler System. In Structures (Vol. 37, pp. 125-139). Elsevier. (ISI, Impact Factor=4.01)
31.Hejazi, F., Farahpour, H., Ayyash, N., & Chong, T. (2021). Development of a volumetric compression restrainer for structures subjected to vibration. Journal of Building Engineering, 103735. (ISI, Impact Factor=5.318)
32.Vaghei, R., Hejazi, F., & Firoozi, A. A. (2021, August). Analytical model for precast wall equipped with U-shaped steel channel connection. In Structures (Vol. 32, pp. 406-432). Elsevier. (ISI, Impact Factor =2.983)
33.Al-Mashgari, H. A. Y., Hejazi, F., & Alkhateeb, M. Y. (2021, February). Retrofitting of corroded reinforced concrete beams in flexure using CFRP rods and anchor bolt. In Structures (Vol. 29, pp. 1819-1827). Elsevier. (ISI, Impact Factor =2.983)
34.Altalabani, D., Hejazi, F., Rashid, R. S. B. M., & Abd Aziz, F. N. A. (2021, August). Development of new rectangular rubber isolators for a tunnel-form structure subjected to seismic excitations. In Structures (Vol. 32, pp. 1522-1542). Elsevier. (ISI, Impact Factor =4.01)
35.Zainal, S. I. S., Hejazi, F., & Rashid, R. S. (2021). Enhancing the Performance of Knee Beam–Column Joint Using Hybrid Fibers Reinforced Concrete. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 15(1), 1-28. (ISI, Impact Factor =2.483)
36.Zainal, S. M., Hejazi, F., Aziz, F. N. A. A., & Jaafar, M. S. (2021). The Synergistic Effects of Different Types of Hybridized Synthetic Fibers on Concrete Post-Crack Residual Strength. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 1-12. (ISI, Impact Factor =1.805)
37.Ghazi, Z. M., Abbood, I. S., & Hejazi, F. (2021). Dynamic evaluation of jack-up platform structure under wave, wind, earthquake and tsunami loads. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science. (ISI, Impact Factor =3.408)
38.Mohsenian, V., Nikkhoo, A., Rostamkalaee, S., Moghadam, A. S., & Hejazi, F. (2021, February). The seismic performance of tunnel-form buildings with a non-uniform in-plan mass distribution. In Structures (Vol. 29, pp. 993-1004). Elsevier. (ISI, Impact Factor =4.01)
39.Bida, S. M., Abdul Aziz, F. N. A., Jaafar, M. S., Hejazi, F., & Abu Bakar, N. (2021). Thermal Resistance of Insulated Precast Concrete Sandwich Panels. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 15(1), 1-12. (ISI, Impact Factor =2.483)
40.Lai, V. Y., Hejazi, F., & Saleem, S. (2020). The construction process for pre-stressed ultra high performance concrete communication tower. PloS one, 15(11), e0238654. (ISI, Impact Factor =2.740)
41.Zainal, S. M., Hejazi, F., Abd Aziz, F. N., & Jaafar, M. S. (2020). Constitutive Modeling of New Synthetic Hybrid Fibers Reinforced Concrete from Experimental Testing in Uniaxial Compression and Tension. Crystals, 10(10), 885. (ISI, Impact Factor =2.404)
42.Hashim, D. T., Hejazi, F., & Lei, V. Y. (2020). Simplified Constitutive and Damage Plasticity Models for UHPFRC with Different Types of Fiber. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 14(1), 1-21. (ISI, Impact Factor=2.111)
43.Hamzah, M. K., & Hejazi, F. (2020, August). The development of a multi-level unseating prevention device (MLUPD) for bridges. In Structures (Vol. 26, pp. 814-844). Elsevier. (ISI, Impact Factor = 1.839)
44.Fateh, A., & Hejazi, F. (2020). Experimental Testing of Variable Stiffness Bracing System for Reinforced Concrete Structure under Dynamic Load. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 1-22. (ISI, Impact Factor=2.779)
45.Gopal, B. A., Hejazi, F., Hafezolghorani, M., & Voo, Y. L. (2020). Shear Strength of Dry and Epoxy Joints for Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete. Structural Journal, 117(1), 279-288. (ISI, Impact Factor = 1.287)
46.Nikkhoo, A., Karegar, H., Mohammadi, R. K., & Hejazi, F. (2020, October). Improving the performance of the autoregressive method in modal identification of output-only systems using the empirical mode decomposition. In Structures (Vol. 27, pp. 1165-1173). Elsevier. (ISI, Impact Factor = 1.839)
47.Woon, K. S., & Hejazi, F. (2019). Horizontal Cyclic Performances of Hook-End U-Shaped High-Damping Rubber Jointed Precast Frame. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 1-16. (ISI, Impact Factor = 0.624)
48.Nikpour, S., Hejazi, F., & Jaafar, M. S. (2019). Development of Divergent Fluid Wall Damper for Steel-Framed Structures Subjected to Dynamic Load. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 1-21. (ISI, Impact Factor = 2.754)
49.El-Zeadani, M., Saifulnaz, M. R., Amran, Y. M., Hejazi, F., Jaafar, M. S., Alyousef, R., & Alabduljabbar, H. (2019, December). Flexural strength of FRP plated RC beams using a partial-interaction displacement-based approach. In Structures (Vol. 22, pp. 405-420). Elsevier. (ISI, Impact Factor =1.646)
50.Woon, K. S., & Hejazi, F. (2019). Vertical Cyclic Performance of Precast Frame with Hook-end U-shaped High-damping Rubber Joint. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 1-12. (ISI, Impact Factor =0.940)
51.Shahbazpanahi, S., Hejazi, F., Rahimipour, A., & Paknahad, M. (2019). Experimental and Numerical Model of Interior Reinforced Concrete Beam–Column Joints Strengthened with Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Sheets. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 43(3), 405-417. (ISI, Impact Factor: 0.8)
52.Vaghei, R., Hejazi, F., Firoozi, A. A., & Jaafar, M. S. (2019). Performance of Loop Connection in Precast Concrete Walls Subjected to Lateral Loads. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 17(3), 397-426. (ISI, Impact Factor = 0.624)
53.Mohsenian, V., Nikkhoo, A., & Hejazi, F. (2019). An investigation into the effect of soil-foundation interaction on the seismic performance of tunnel-form buildings. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 125, 105747. (ISI, Impact Factor: 2.578)
54.Ismail, R., Rashid, R. S., Chan, W. C., Jaafar, M. S., & Hejazi, F. (2019). Compressive behavior of concrete cylinder fully and partially confined by carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP). Construction and Building Materials, 201, 196-206. (ISI, Impact Factor: 3.485)
55.El-Zeadani, M., Saifulnaz, M. R., Hejazi, F., Amran, Y. M., Jaafar, M. S., Alyousef, R., & Alrshoudi, F. (2019). Mechanics-based Approach for Predicting the Short-term Deflection of CFRP Plated RC Beams. Composite Structures, 111169. (ISI, Impact Factor: 4.829)
56.Sarah J., Hejazi, F., Hanoon Ammar N., Rashid Raizal S. M. (2018) "Damage Detection for UHPFRC Communication Tower Based on Frequency Data and Particle Swarm Optimization". Journal of Civil Engineering and Management (ISI, Impact Factor = 1.660)
57.Bida, S. M., Aziz, F. N. A. A., Jaafar, M. S., Hejazi, F., & Nabilah, A. B. (2018). Thermal performance of super-insulated precast concrete structural sandwich panels. Energy and Buildings. (ISI, Impact Factor = 4.457)
58.Abdi, H., Hejazi, F., Jaafar, M. S., & Karim, I. B. A. (2018). Response modification factors for reinforced concrete structures equipped with viscous damper devices. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 62(1), 11-25. (ISI, Impact Factor = 0.636)
59.Shahbazpanahi, S., Hejazi, F., Paknahad, M., Rahimipour, A., & Nassimi, M. R. (2018). Modelling Crack Propagation in RC Beam-Column Joints. Tehnički vjesnik, 25(4), 1183-1189. (ISI, Impact Factor = 0.686)
60.Nikpour, S., Hejazi, F., & Jaafar, M. S. (2018). Development of a divergent fluid wall damper for framed structures subjected to dynamic loads. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 25(3), e2108. (ISI-Wiley, Impact Factor = 2.355)
61.Ghaedi, K., Hejazi, F., Ibrahim, Z., & Khanzaei, P. (2018). Flexible foundation effect on seismic analysis of Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) dams using finite element method. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 1-13. (ISI, Impact Factor = 1.428)
62.Amran, Y. M., Rashid, R. S., Hejazi, F., Ali, A. A., Safiee, N. A., & Bida, S. M. (2018). Structural Performance of Precast Foamed Concrete Sandwich Panel Subjected to Axial Load. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 22(4), 1179-1192. (ISI, Impact Factor = 1.428)
63.Hanoon, A. N., Jaafar, M. S., Hejazi, F., & Aziz, F. N. A. (2017). Strut-and-tie model for externally bonded CFRP-strengthened reinforced concrete deep beams based on particle swarm optimization algorithm: CFRP debonding and rupture. Construction and Building Materials, 147, 428-447. (ISI-Wiley, Impact Factor = 3.169)
64.Vaghei, R., Hejazi, F., Taheri, H., Jaafar, M. S., & Aziz, F. N. A. A. (2017). Development of a new connection for precast concrete walls subjected to cyclic loading. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 16(1), 97-117. (ISI, Impact Factor=0.706)
65.Hanoon, A. N., Jaafar, M. S., Al Zaidee, S. R., Hejazi, F., & Aziz, F. A. (2017). Effectiveness factor of the strut-and-tie model for reinforced concrete deep beams strengthened with CFRP sheet. Journal of Building Engineering, 12, 8-16. (ISI, Impact Factor=2.378)
66.Hafezolghorani, M., Hejazi, F., Vaghei, R., Jaafar, M. S. B., & Karimzade, K. (2017). Simplified Damage Plasticity Model for Concrete. Structural Engineering International, 27(1), 68-78. (ISI-Wiley, Impact Factor = 0.383)
67.Hejazi, F., Shoaei, M. D., Tousi, A., & Jaafar, M. S. (2016). Analytical model for viscous wall dampers. Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 31 (5) 381–399 (ISI-Wiley, Impact Factor = 8.552)
68.Fateh, A., Hejazi, F., Jaafar, M. S., Karim, I. A., Adnan, B., A. (2016), “Design of a variable stiffness bracing system: Mathematical modeling, fabrication and dynamic analysis”. Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 80,87-101 (ISI-Elsevier, Impact Factor = 1.481)
69.Fateh, A., Hejazi, F., Jaafar, M. S., Karim, I., A., (2016), “Numerical and experimental evaluation of a developed nonlinear curved spring element under compression force”. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 117, 115-125. (ISI-Elsevier, Impact Factor = 1.702)
70.JABBAR, S., HEJAZI, F., & MAHMOD, H. M. (2016). EFFECT OF OPENING IN REINFORCED CONCRETE HOLLOW BEAM WEB UNDER TORSIONAL, FLEXURAL, AND CYCLIC LOADINGS. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, an ABCM Journal, 13(8), 1576-1595. (ISI, Impact Factor= 0.830)
71.Rahimipour, A., Hejazi, F., Vaghei, R., & Jaafar, M. S. (2016). Finite element development of a Beam-column connection with CFRP sheets subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading. Computers and Concrete, 18(6), 1083-1096. (ISI, Impact Factor= 0.849)
72.Amran, Y. M., Ali, A. A., Rashid, R. S., Hejazi, F., & Safiee, N. A. (2016). Structural behavior of axially loaded precast foamed concrete sandwich panels. Construction and Building Materials, 107, 307-320. (ISI, Impact Factor=2.421)
73.Vaghei, R., Hejazi, F., Taheri, H., Jaafar, M. S., & Ali, A. A. A. (2016). A new precast wall connection subjected to monotonic loading. Computers and Concrete, 17(1), 1-27. (ISI, Impact Factor = 0.849)
74.Abdi, H., Hejazi, F., Jaafar, M. S., & Karim, I. A. (2016). Evaluation of response modification factor for steel structures with soft story retrofitted by viscous damper device. Advances in
75.Structural Engineering. 1369433216642036. (ISI, Impact Factor= 0.577)
76.Fateh, A., Hejazi, F., Jaafar, M. S., & Karim, I. A. (2016). Development of a nonlinear conical spring bracing system for framed structures subjected to dynamic load. International Journal of Steel Structures, 16(1), 197-215. (ISI, Impact Factor = 0.533)
77.Taheri, H., Hejazi, F., Vaghei, R., Jaafar, M. S. and Abang Ali, A. A. (2016). “A New Precast Wall Connection Subjected to Rotational Loading”. Journal of Periodica Polytechnica-Civil Engineering. (Accepted, In Press), (ISI, Impact Factor = 0.271)
78.Amran, Y. M., Rashid, R. S., Hejazi, F., Safiee, N. A., & Ali, A. A. (2016). Response of precast foamed concrete sandwich panels to flexural loading. Journal of Building Engineering. (ISI, Impact Factor= 2.378)
79.Hejazi, F., Dalili M. S., Jaafar, M. S. and Raizal Saiful M. R. (2015). Effect of viscous dampers on yielding mechanisms of RC structures during earthquake. Journal of Earthquakes and Structures. 8 (6), 1499-1528 (ISI, Impact Factor = 0.693)
80.Nikbakht, E., Rashid, K., Hejazi, F., & Osman, S. A. (2015). Application of shape memory alloy bars in self-centring precast segmental columns as seismic resistance. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 11(3), 297-309. (ISI, Impact Factor = 2.805)
81.Nikbakht, E., Rashid, K., Mohseni, I., & Hejazi, F. (2015). Evaluating seismic demands for segmental columns with low energy dissipation capacity. EARTHQUAKES AND STRUCTURES, 8(6), 1277-1297. (ISI, Impact Factor= 0.693)
82.Abdi, H., Hejazi, F., Jaafar, M. S., Abd Karim, I. B., Muhammad Rashid, R. S. (2015). Response modification factor for steel structure equipped with viscous damper device. International Journal of Steel Structures. 15 (3), 605-622 (ISI, Springer, Impact Factor = 0.505)
83.Fateh, A., Hejazi, F., Ming, Y. P., & Jafaar, M. S. (2015). Structural behavior in top-down excavation method. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 8(9), 7399-7408.(ISI, Impact Factor =1.152)
84.Hejazi, F., Zabihi, A. & Jaafar, M. S. (2014). Development of a viscous damper finite element model for reinforced concrete frames. Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 65, 284–293 (ISI-Elsevier, Impact Factor = 1.302)
85.Ehsan Nikbakht, Khalim Rashid, Farzad Hejazi, Siti A. Osman. (2014). A numerical study on seismic response of self-centring precast segmental columns at different post-tensioning forces. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 11 (5), 864-883. (ISI, Impact Factor = 1.254)
86.Hejazi, F., Toloue, I., Jaafar, M. S., & Noorzaei, J. (2013). Optimization of earthquake energy dissipation system by genetic algorithm. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 28(10), 796-810. (ISI-Wiley, Impact Factor = 8.552)

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