Work Experience

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Farzad Hejazi Work Experiences

Work Experience

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Farzad Hejazi Work Experiences

Teaching & Work Experiences

NoProject titleDate
1Design and Construction of Cendana Apartments, M-Residence 2, Rawang, Malaysia2019 to 2023
2New bearings and vibration absorber devices for bridges, structures and railways2019 to 2022
3Optimalisation of Full-Scale Damping Device for Bridges2020 to 2022
4Design and Development of Anti Vibration Device for Buildings and Infrastructures2019 to 2021
5Development, Design, Manufacturing and Testing of Innovative Vibration Dissipation Device for Structures and Bridges2019-2021
6Design of Structures and Bridge equipped with Vibration Damping System2020 to 2022
7Design and construction assessment of KL Eco City Bridge2019 to 2020
8Development (Design, Manufacturing and Testing) of innovative U-Shaped High Damping Rubber Joint System for precast Beam-Column Connection2018 to 2020
9Development Health Monitoring System for Ultra High-Performance Fiber Concrete Communication Tower2018 to 2020
10Design, Manufacturing and Testing of Innovative Rubber Wall Damper Device For Framed Structures Subjected To Dynamic Loads2017 to 2019
11Managing and monitoring all running projects in department level with 37 department members and more than 100 researchers2017 to 2020
12Development (Design, Manufacturing and Testing) of Innovative Viscous Plane Damper as Vibration Dissipation Device2016 to 2018
13Development and construction of the world first internet transmission tower using ultra high-performance concrete (UHPC)2015 to 2017
14Development and testing of Partially Prestressed Concrete Frame Structure Subjected to Dynamic Load2015 to 2017
15Development (Design, Manufacturing and Testing) of Cylinder Rubber Bracing System for Structure Subjected to Dynamic Load2015 to 2017
16Using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer for Strengthening Reinforced Concrete Columns Under Humidity and Temperature Exposure2015 to 2017
17Implementing Innovative Vibration Dissipation System in Structure2015 to 2017
18Development of Constitutive Model for Partially Prestressed Concrete Frame2014 to 2016
19Development (Design, Manufacturing and Testing) of Wall Damper Using Natural Rubber for Structures Subjected to Vibration2014 to 2016
20Development of Web Based Structural Analysis Finite Element Program2014 to 2016
21Managing and monitoring all running Innovative projects in Faculty level with 270 Faculty members and more than 1000 researchers2014 to 2017
22Development (Design, Manufacturing and Testing) Variable Stiffness Bracing System for Structures Under Dynamic Load2013 to 2015
23Development (Design, Manufacturing and Testing) of Optimal Damper Devices for Framed Structures Subjected to Dynamic Loads2013 to 2015
24Using Magneto-Rheological Dampers for Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Dynamic Load2013 to 2015
25Manufacturing and Testing Precast Segmental Bridge Columns with Smart Materials Rebar2013 to 2015
26Development of Variable Stiffness Bracing System in Steel Structure2012 to 2014
27Design and Manufacturing Special Joints for Industrialised Building System for Housing.2012 to 2017
28Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering2012 to 2021
29Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering2011 to 2012
30Buildings assessment and retrofitting ‘Lot 6674, Klang Bandar Diraja, Selangor Darul Ehsan’2010 to 2011
31Assessment of Structure Integrity for Stadium Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Trengganu, Malaysia2010-2012
32Retrofitting and seismic rehabilitation of Building (Hospital, University, Stadium)2003 to 2005
33Construction of Residential Buildings according to the design specifications(15 Buildings – 4 storey Structures)2004 to 2007
34Construction of Structures and Infrastructure for Factory according to the design specifications1999 to 2001

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