Structural Dynamic (ECV5204)
First Semester 2012-2013
Topics include: Formulation of the equations of motion using the principles of both vector mechanics and analytical mechanics; Free vibration response; Determination of frequencies and mode shapes; Forced vibration response; Numerical integration of the equations of motion; Newmark method, MDOF systems, …
List of Students in ECV5204:
1 | Tengku Syamimi binti Tuan Ab Rahman |
2 | Raymond Cheng Hsien Loong |
3 | Parveen Khanehzaei |
4 | Dharshini a/p Raman |
5 | Samer Abdulhussein Yasir |
6 | Doris Chiew Jing Tze |
7 | Louis Ho Yeng Gee |
8 | Chen Fook Yew |
9 | Chiew Sow Ing |
10 | Tan Jhen Shen |
11 | Seak Qi Meng |
12 | Andy Yong Sui How |
13 | Mohamed Abdisalam Aden |
14 | Hamed Khatibi |
15 | Hafez Taheri Heravi |
16 | Jehanzeb Khan Pathan |
17 | Hersi Abdilahi Hersi |
18 | Seyed Ali Toussi |
19 | Zakaris bin Agustar |
20 | Rajkumar Naidu a/l Nagathandarn |
21 | Mahmood Hayder Mohammed |
22 | Khaled Ghaedi |
23 | Anas Abdulkarem Sharaf Shaiban |
24 | Abdullah Ali Ali Algaifi |
25 | Zaid Mohammed Ghazi |
26 | Lee Check Shin |
Project of third week: (Project 1)
Evaluate the effect of damping ratio in response of a SDOF system.
So each group should define a SDOF system and assume mass, stiffness for the system.
Then find response of system in terms of displacement, velocity, acceleration in versus of time (i.e displacement-time graph) for range of 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5 damping ratio. Eventually compare the result and discuss about differences.
The soft copy of projects and result should submit online through following link for each group and the projects and results will present in the class via powerpoint.
Project of fourth week: (Project 2)
Evaluate the effect of Beta in response of a SDOF system or single story frame building under harmonic load.
The detail is discussed in the class.
The soft copy of projects and result should submit online through following link for each group and the projects and results will present in the class via powerpoint.
Notice for Class:
The Electricity of faculty will off on this Saturday (27/10/2012) afternoon.
So Structural Dynamic Class should be cancel and postponed to another time.
Kindly inform to your classmate.
Thank you and sorry for ay inconvenience.
Test 1
Test 1 of Structural Dynamic will held on Saturday 3 November at 10 am. Venue is BK20.
Projects Topic:
1- Rotary Machines.
2- Impact machines.
3- Machine foundation.
4- Machine vibration dissipation.
5- Airplane vibration.
6- Wave dynamic load. (i.e Tsunami)
7- Damping ration in different structures.
Note: Structural Dynamic Class will held on Monday 12/11/2012 at 6pm to 9pm in BK6.
Result of Test 1
Martic No | Marks |
GS30012 | 99 |
GS30841 | 97 |
GS31164 | 93 |
GS31399 | 92 |
GS31080 | 86 |
GS28996 | 85 |
GS29685 | 83 |
GS32938 | 83 |
GS30856 | 81 |
GS30952 | 75 |
GS32972 | 73 |
GS29270 | 67 |
GS32567 | 58 |
GS30723 | 51 |
GS30155 | 48 |
GS30702 | 46 |
GS33245 | 44 |
GS33655 | 41 |
GS34613 | 36 |
GS29245 | 30 |
GS30705 | 29 |
GS31879 | 27 |
GS31578 | 22 |
GS28692 | 21 |
GS27736 | 0 |
GS30798 | 0 |
Out of 100 |
Well Done Ms. Louis.
Note: Last question of Test 1 was marked based on procedure and formulation which used in sequence.
Note: Password is same password of Week 9 Notes.
Date: Tuesday, 27th November 2012
Matlab Training Program
I would like to inform that our friend Mr. Soroosh Abbasi will help and will train programing with Matlab.
So, the class for learning basic structure of programing in Matlab will held on 22 and 23 of December at 6 pm in the engineering library and it is free. Any body interested please send email to him in order to reserve a sit because of limitation of sits.
His email is:
His helping to our students for learning programming with Matlab is highly appreciated.
Presentation for Structural Dynamics Course will held on 22 December at 2pm to 5 pm.
Test 2
Test 2 of Structural Dynamics will held on 24 December at 6pm to 8 pm.
Venue: BK8
Result of Test 2
Matric No | Marks |
GS30012 | 100 |
GS30856 | 98 |
GS30952 | 95 |
GS31164 | 93 |
GS30841 | 90 |
GS33655 | 86 |
GS28692 | 85 |
GS29270 | 85 |
GS29685 | 85 |
GS31080 | 82 |
GS32938 | 80 |
GS32972 | 78 |
GS31399 | 77 |
GS30723 | 76 |
GS33245 | 76 |
GS32567 | 73 |
GS30705 | 68 |
GS30702 | 67 |
GS31578 | 60 |
GS30798 | 50 |
GS30155 | 46 |
GS27736 | 45 |
GS34613 | 40 |
GS29245 | 22 |
Out of 100 |
Final Grades for Structural Dynamic Course – ECV5204
Matric No | Grades |
GS30012 | A |
GS30856 | A |
GS28996 | A |
GS31164 | A |
GS30952 | A |
GS31399 | A |
GS32938 | A- |
GS30841 | A- |
GS31080 | A- |
GS29685 | B+ |
GS32972 | B+ |
GS33655 | B+ |
GS29270 | B+ |
GS33245 | B+ |
GS28692 | B+ |
GS30723 | B |
GS30702 | B |
GS32567 | B |
GS30155 | B |
GS31578 | C+ |
GS30705 | C+ |
GS34613 | D+ |
GS30798 | F |
GS29245 | F |
GS27736 | F |
There is some enhancement of Grade for following students, they can check their portal:
GS31578 |
GS30705 |
GS34613 |
GS30798 |
GS29245 |
GS27736 |
Your Comment About This Subject (ECV5204)
You can shear your comments about this subject here.
You can write your idea and thinking about the topic content, lecturer, assignment, tests, exam, project, presentation and etc.
The comments will be published in 24hours (time for Spam checking).
Hopefully these comments will help me to improve the quality of teaching.